Thursday, January 25, 2018

Cover Reveal - King 13 Little Lies by K.L. Donn

 King: 13 Little Lies (Adair Empire 1)
KL Donn

Sensual Graphic Designs

Dark Romance

They’re all lies…

Lies – Everyone tells them.
Mistakes – You learn from them.
Drugs – Make you feel better.
Hate – Consumes you.
Family – Will always love you.
Life – Is worth living.
Fear – Will remain.
Cry – Soothes the soul.
Prayer – Answers your calls.
Laugh – You’ll feel better.
Hope – Never dies.
Breathe – Like you depend on it.
Love – Heals all wounds.

Until they aren’t…

I could feel my life bleeding away as I stuck the needle full of cocaine in my arm. The freeing feeling was euphoric. For one split second I feel nothing and everything all at once.
Everything falls away. The pain. The hurt. The suffering.
It’s all gone.
I’m no longer Lilith Riley, abandoned child to the foster system, forced to give my new ‘daddy’ blow jobs.
I’m nothing.
I’m free.
Until I’m not.
I’m a junkie. A user. You give, and I take. I don’t care about anything but my next score. You’re no one until I need you.
I’ll tell as many lies as I have to in order to get what I want.
That’s what life is anyways, isn’t it?
A great big lie.

Krystal is a proud Canadian girl, hailing from Sherwood Park, Alberta. She has a strong dislike for the winter, and a love for spring. Married to her husband Steve, for 13 years, they have 4 beautiful read headed spawns ranging in ages 5-12. She has a strong love of coffee, sarcasm, and wine. (Not necessarily in that order either.)

She has been a published author for over 2 years now. With 9 full length novels (1 unpublished) and a dozen novellas with 3 published, 3 waiting to go into edits, 2 being rebranded, and 1 being extended into a novel.

Krystal loves to write about instalove between couples looking for love. She has a passion for contemporary romance and springs into menage as often as she can.

Currently, she is working on 2 new series, the Adair Empire (with the first 3 books already written). The Adair’s are a whole lot darker, dirtier, and grittier than what her readers are used to, but boy has she had a ton of fun writing them.

The What Happens When series will begin with Anonymous Bride and continue with untraditional love stories. Bringing you all the good feels, a ton of love, and maybe – if you’re lucky ;) a surprise baby or two!

With the exception of Anonymous Bride, you’ll be able to find all her books on all platforms!

Twitter: @Author_KLDonn
Instagram: authorkldonn

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