Tuesday, January 30, 2018

New Release - Don't Be Afraid by C.A. Harms

Title: Don't Be Afraid
Author: C.A. Harms
Genre: Second Chance Contemporary Romance
Release Date: January 30, 2018


Have you ever looked at someone and just knew,
knew that they were placed in your life for a reason?
The one person that would be not only your best friend,
but your absolute everything.
That’s how I felt the first time I saw him.

That one day when a few little words changed our entire lives forever…

Don’t be Afraid, he said.
Life can change so quickly.
One moment you can be smiling and feeling as if you're walking on clouds and the next, everything you love, everything you treasure crumbles at your feet.

I told him to fight, I told him I needed him.
We needed him.
But there are just some fights that can't be won…

He was my angel then, and he’s still my angel now.
In a way, I believe he’s still looking out for us, giving us a future.
Sometimes it’s as if I can still feel his presence,
guiding us and keeping us safe.

So, I won’t be Afraid.
I'll live. I’ll fight.
It’s what he would have wanted.

I’ll do it for him…

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I buried my body beneath the covers and curled around his warmth. With my head rested just where he’d wanted it, I closed my eyes tight and willed the tears away. Doing my best to hide the emptiness consuming me, I concentrated on breathing evenly.

“Always loved you right like this,” he confessed. “Your body so close to mine it feels like we’re the same person.” 

I took deep breaths as I thought of all the reasons life was so damn unfair.

“Loved burying my face in your hair, just breathing you in.”

Those were the words most girls dreamed of hearing, and they made our love feel more solid and concrete. But hearing them now was like a slow form of torture, because they were tearing the small amount of control I had left in me to pieces.

“You were made just for me, Sawyer Cooper,” he whispered sleepily. “I truly believe that.”

I squeeze my eyes shut tighter as I curled into him closer.

“Forever my girl.”

Tears rolled along my cheeks as I did all I could to wipe them away before he noticed. I was thankful sleep had taken him over and he was oblivious to the shattering of my soul.

Author Bio

C.A. Harms is like any other addicted reader. She enjoys happy endings and HEA love stories. She hasn't always been a lover of Romance and had once been addicted to a good Mystery. Just recently she has taken on a new liking and now is a full blown Romance novel addict.

She lives in Illinois and enjoys spending time with her husband and two children. You will always find her with her kindle or paperback in hand as it is her favorite pass time.

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